About the Manufacturers!

Modern Precision Dental Instruments
Modern Precision Dental Instruments Co.,Ltd is a High-Tech Medical Instrument Corporation approved by FDA of Guangdong Province. Their handpieces is Health Canada Approved. It is the only Cutting edge technology corporation in Foshan City to strategically combine extensive R&D, Manufacturing and Sales in the modern dental science field. Modern Precision’s aim is to develop cost effective products that meet our customer's exacting demands in the oral clinical field.
Modern Precision’s product line of high-speed turbine and low-speed precision hand-pieces are built with superior technology.
Modern Precision’s professional, technically trained staff use advanced manufacturing systems with computer-aided design and PDM(product Date Management). Each detail is carefully machined using manufacturing and testing equipment from Switzerland, Germany and Japan,
By focusing on our customers' needs, we are able to deliver high quality dental products that gains trust.
Modern Precision Dental hopes the users of our products are regarded by the experience of the unique design, performance excellence and quality of our fine products.
Modern Precision Dental’s goal is to contribute to our customers success in the oral and dental healthcare industry.
Modern Precision Dental Instrument Co.,Ltd, is a subsidiary of Malinda Precision Component Co.,Ltd Malinda Precision Components specializes in manufacturing high precision focus has been on precision component machining and is diverse large-scale technological company. Our organization is located in Shishan Industrial Park,Nanhai District of Foshan City and Spans an area fo 16,000 square meters
Our complete line of Modern Precision Products
MCS Dental Products Inc uses Same Terms & Conditions as MCS Handpiece Ltd.